The most successful drug and alcohol recovery services in Joubert Park. Our in-patient rehabilitation and recovery centres are designed for people with ongoing addiction associated disorders.

People over use and abuse addictive substances such as alcohol and drugs for varied & complicated range of causes. Our substance abuse counsellors are trained in dealing with crisis situations and who work daily with addicts to prepare them better themselves & help overcome patients addictive traits.

Addiction Treatment Services

It’s thought that over 1/2 of the South African greater population can be identified as regular drinkers, alcohol is the #1 abused substance in South Africa. The drug and alcohol problem in South Africa is very problematic, with our population usage reported as being at twice the global average.

We Can Help With

Only professional understanding in the initial break & addiction treatment programme will enable the patient to get on and stay on the ongoing path to recovery.

100% Confidential

Our staff are trained and follow the anonymity and confidentiality instilled in the process of addiction recovery and will not divulge verbal or written material with anyone without your consent.

Addiction Rehab Facilities in Joubert Park (Johannesburg)

Our alcohol and drug rehab in Joubert Park treatment clinic provides safe and secure accommodation in home-like environment with resident counsellors that cater directly to substance abuse for substances like drug & alcohol related addictions. Joubert Park features competitive rates as a private treatment centre, and has one of the most successful outpatient programmes on the marketplace.

Addiction Treatment Counsellor in Joubert Park (Johannesburg)

Trained substance counsellor Johannesburg promote an on going recovery lifestyle for people with substance use disorders. The service requires attendance of sessions are operated on a per booking basis. Please be aware: Private addiction counselling is not ideal for all individuals suffering with an addiction disorder. Substance abuse recovery could often be a lot more complicated than personal counselling. Dedicated detox facilities and intensive day by day therapy sessions facilitate the fast-tracking of treatment and recovery.

Gauteng Rehab Clinics