It is an unfortunate and well-known fact that alcohol is the number one drug of choice among teenagers. In the United States alone, alcohol related vehicle crashes and accidents is the number one killer of teenagers. Aside from this, alcohol is also the number one drug problem in the United States. Many people still think it can’t happen to them. It’s time to get a wakeup call. Substance abuse is all around us.

alcohol AbuseIf you take a look at your high school’s yearbook you’ll see that during the past ten years there were so many dedicated students who ultimately met their death in a drunk driving accident. If you need further evidence just talk to your friends and ask them how many people they know of who have had terrible things happen as a result of them or someone they know being intoxicated. They didn’t even have to be the one who was drinking – many of the teenage passenger deaths these days result from drivers who are intoxicated.

Alcohol rehab is not something to scoff at. It is a welcome relief to many people who would like to face their fears and challenges head on. Regardless of the situation, drinking under the age of 18 in South Africa is illegal.

Do you think that alcohol doesn’t have that much of an effect on you? That you are not in need of alcohol recovery, nor will you ever be? The problem is that once you are intoxicated, you will start to see double. The next thing to go out the window is your sense of distance and you start slurring your speech. The person will also lose their inhibitions which can lead to some seriously bad choices, including violence, car accidents, sexual transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.

Studies have shown that a significant portion of violent crimes committed by teenagers involve the use of alcohol. By abusing alcohol you could cost yourself your own freedom. Alcohol poisoning is also always a possibility, and this is where the Alcohol Rehab Centre can really start to help you. These rehabs help thousands upon thousands of people every day people to take back control of their lives.

It won’t be an easy decision, but it will be the decision that will start the rest of your life. The time is now to make a decision and see it through – if you have problems with substance abuse, check into rehab now.



The Dangers Of Drinking