Cravings can happen anywhere anytime and for an addict, the simple act of giving in to one craving can set about the spiral of addiction that changes their lives forever. A craving can come at any time and it is very hard to get rid of. However, there are some methods that addiction centres recommend to stop yourself from giving in.

One of the simplest methods of defeating cravings is to tell someone about it. This is why when you leave rehab, you should have access to NA and AA meetings. Being able to simply go to a meeting or pick up the phone and talk to someone could help you get past the need for drugs.

It also helps to look for distractions rather than giving in to cravings. This can include anything from checking Facebook to going for a walk or to the movies. It is important to substitute the need to fill the craving with another activity that is actually good for you.

Taking a trip down memory lane can also be helpful. When a craving hits and you find yourself desirous of drugs, remember the worst times when you were addicted. Think about the way your addiction made you feel, and how much better you feel now. Remember that feeling and you probably will be able to get past the craving. If you’re still struggling, try setting an alarm for five minutes and doing something else, away from others who may influence you.

One of the ways in which others manage to get through cravings is to pray. If this is not an option for you, try substituting the craving with something that nourishes your mind and body rather than destroying it. If you have some extra cash you were thinking of using for drugs, use it on body creams and candles, or spend it at the movies or on frozen yoghurt. There are many ways to get yourself through the craving cycle if you look for them, but if you despair, it is much easier to fall back into addiction and wipe away all the hard work you have already done.