Alcoholism is a disease that is categorized by an uncontrollable need to abuse alcohol irrespective of the consequences. Alcohol addiction is a very serious illness that has numerous negative effects on the body. These may persist even once the person has overcome their addiction after completing an alcohol addiction treatment program.

Understanding The Three Stages Of Alcohol Addiction:

  • The first stage of alcohol addiction is the one that is easiest to conceal and many people actually mistake it with simply being a ‘frequent’ or ‘heavy drinker’. During this stage, the individual begins to build up a tolerance for alcohol so they would have to consume a lot more alcohol than usual before they would become drunk.
  • The second stage of alcohol addiction would be marked by the individual developing an alcohol dependence. This means that they are unable to function well without consuming some alcohol first. If the individual is without alcohol then they will crave it intensely and exhibit and few other withdrawal symptoms as well.
  • The third and final stage of alcohol addiction is the most obvious one and nearly impossible to conceal. The individual will now be consuming alcohol constantly as well as exhibiting tell-tale physical and mental signs. These include shaking, being easily confused, constant infections and poor memory. The individual will be unable to function in any situation and denial is a common trait as well. If the individual were to simply stop drinking without the help of an alcohol rehab centre then there may be dangerous side effects. The detox progress has to be closely managed and monitored at this point in the process.

Alcohol Addiction & The Effects On The Body:

There are numerous negative effects known to be caused by alcohol abuse and addiction. Organs such as the liver, kidneys and heart are all negatively affected by alcohol addiction. Alcoholic are at much higher risk of developing conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cirrhosis of the liver, and throat and liver cancer.
The prolonged abuse of alcohol can lead to brain damage as well. While recovery and abstinence will repair of the damage inflicted, there are instances where the damage to the brain can never heal.
Alcohol rehab centres develop the best possible holistic alcohol addiction treatment plan for each patient admitted. This gives patient’s the best possible chance of regaining their health and going on to live a fulfilling life without the alcohol dependence.