Did you know that medical professionals have found that there is a 1 in 10 chance of ever meeting someone addicted to a narcotic substance?

With the probability that low, identifying and distinguishing someone must be a difficult task. Here are some of the signs to look out for when determining whether yourself or someone you love needs rehabilitation.

Behavioural Changes

One of the key things to note is how you or a loved one has changed since using the drug.

Things such as estrangement from your friends and family due to spending time with people who fund your addiction, missing work or studies, changes in your social life as well as lying are some tell-tale behaviours that you or a loved one has become addicted.

Crime and violence can also become a problem as things such as shoplifting or stealing to get money to pay for the addiction costs, which in turn could also affect your financial situation.

Using More of a Drug to Get a Desired Effect

This can also be defined as becoming tolerant to a narcotic substance or prescribed medication.

Previously, a normal dosage would be used to create a positive or euphoric effect, however, because the body has become accustomed to the substance, more will have to be used to achieve similar results.

If you find yourself or a loved one using more of a medication or an addictive drug than usual, it’s a simple way to notice that there is a problem that needs to be addressed.


A drug or alcohol addict’s main priority is when, where and how they can obtain their next ‘fix’, therefore their general appearance and personal hygiene would slip a few places back on the list.

Other physical signs that can be taken into account are constantly being ill, fluctuating changes in bodily weight, unusual eating habits and a change in sleep patterns.

Memory Loss

People addicted to a substance often may experience blackouts due to excessive use of the drug. For example, an individual binges on alcohol at a party and cannot remember what occurred.

If this happens continuously, it’s important to inform the individual about what happened as it could make them realise that there is a serious issue at hand.


If you or a loved one is convinced that you can quit your alcohol or drug addiction at your own leisure, think again.

One cannot just get over an addiction by stopping the use of a narcotic substance.

The individual might admit they do overuse a substance but they will try to reassure that everything is under control.

When a person abstains from an addictive drug or alcohol, withdrawal symptoms occur almost immediately, and usually forces them back into using the drug to alleviate the discomfort.

If you pick up any of these signs on yourself or a loved one, and intervention and treatment needs to be administered to help you recover.