Smoking is an addiction and living with a smoker is effectively like living with a drug addict. In might sound harsh but if all nicotine based products became illegal tomorrow, there would be an awful lot more people in the organized drug trade.

One of the toughest things with addiction and addicts is coming to terms with how they can centre their lives around a substance abuse, even if it is “just” nicotine.

For families it’s hard to watch someone they love destroy their lives with cancer inducing muck. Some families passively stand by to watch their loved one smoke into an early grave while others do not rollover so easily.

The emotion of the process often does little to address the underlying problem, nicotine addiction. While each family situation is unique and you may or may not identify with the intervention tactics we present here we have a common goal. Get a loved one to break their addiction and stop smoking.

This is why we have designed a number family programs where the same intervention tactics used successfully by leading drug addiction recovery clinics across the world. While we

In the case of family guided smoking interventions the process is not intended to alienate the smoker but to plant a seed that will get them to electively begin the process.