There are many methods on to stop smoking but if you want to find out how to quit smoking forever you will need to spend a bit of time on this site. Every page of this site is designed to educate and reprogram a new region of you brain so that when you need to tools to help you stop smoking the logic argument with yourself has become muscle memory.

As a smoker you know you are going to quit smoking sooner or later and the function of this site is only to help you stop sooner rather than later. You might find a bit of repetition in and between each page and this i am afraid is necessary.

We could list the smoking facts in detail on this site and outline the tars and poisons in tobacco but we all already know what the dangers of smoking are. The primary culprit is a highly addictive substance called nicotine. As we explore what happens when you stop smoking we begin to understand how nicotine play such a key role in the process.

The key to stopping smoking is now to stop the nicotine cycle it actually has very little to do with smoking as cigarettes are simply a delivery mechanism.

Each page of this site offers tips for visitors to stop smoking so if you are preparing to stop then.