On so many occasions, we ignore the seriousness of a problem by attempting to fix it in our own way, which only ends up making things worse than what it previously was.
When it comes to treating depression, there is no quick fix to remedy this mental illness.

Overcoming it requires professional psychological treatment inside a psychiatric clinic.
When it is treated otherwise, it can cause harm to the individual and to those around them, that’s why it’s important that you know what methods to avoid. In this article, we are going to tell you how you shouldn’t treat depression.

Drinking Alcohol
Drowning one’s sorrows was never a solution and will never be one. Once the effects of alcohol pass, your problems will still be there.
Alcohol is a brain depressant chemical which has the ability to minimise any stress, anxiety or pressure that we are experiencing. Using it to minimise the effects of emotional strain will be a temporary solution, but it will eventually only make things worse.
When it is used constantly and depression is left untreated, the individual may become physically and mentally dependent on the effects of alcohol, which also known as alcohol addiction.

Abusing Drugs
Like alcohol, drugs have the ability to temporarily change how we feel, however, when these feelings subside, our problems will return.
Using drugs also creates new problems as well; first of all it’s illegal and it also causes the possibility of becoming addicted to it if it is continuously used. The shame and embarrassment of being a person is another problem to contend with, so please refrain from using any illegal narcotic substance not prescribed by your medical doctor or any other health professional.

We all look for certain comfort foods after a long stressful day, but constantly overeating to help deal with any problems you may be experiencing is not a good thing.
A depressed individual that overeats is simply using it as a mechanism to help them cope with their problems.

Nothing beats the thrill of buying new clothes or a new gadget to play with; however flashing the cash is not a remedy for treating depression. In fact, it may lead to debt, which will only cause more stress in the long run.

Like many of the above, the pleasurable feelings that someone experiences during sex are only temporary. Using sex as a tool to help treat depression is very risky, especially if it means changing partners and not using a condom.

We all wish that sometimes we can just pull the blankets over our heads and sleep our problems away. However, hiding away from our problems could be a sign that you are depressed.
If sleeping the entire day away sounds better to you than facing the day ahead, it could be a sign that depression is present.

For many depressed individuals, suicide might seem like the only option to get out of any problems that they are experiencing.
The fact of the matter is that suicide should never be seen as an option. Planning your own death is not something that should be taken lightly.
If you are thinking about taking your own life or you suspect that your loved one is, seek professional help immediately.

How Depression Should Be Treated
Depression is treated depending on the nature and severity of the symptoms suffered. For instance, those with mild- moderate symptoms may only need anti-depressant medication.
However those with more severe symptoms will need to be admitted into a psychiatric clinic, where they will receive the best mental health care from people that are experienced in treating this illness.

For access to a depression clinic near you, contact us now and let one of our qualified counsellors provide you with free, expert and confidential advice.