It is almost virtually impossible to try and veil the signs and symptoms of drug abuse and drug addiction.
While the physical consequences of each drug might differ, the effects that addiction has over a person will always have similarities.
If you see any of the signs and symptoms of drug abuse and drug addiction that will be discussed below in yourself, a family member or just someone you care about, please feel free to call us now!

Firstly, it is important to note that a ‘drug abuser’ and a ‘drug addict’ are two entirely different terms.
Someone who uses and abuses drugs without ever becoming addicted can be labelled as a drug abuser.
A drug addict can be referred to an individual who needs the drug physically and has become completely dependent on it.

The most general signs and symptoms of drug abuse that can be found in an individual are the simple things in life.
For instance, a drug abuser will have difficulty complying with their required duties at work or at home. Things such as the failure to meet deadlines, the neglecting of loved ones all fall under this category.

An increase in risk factors such as unprotected sex, driving under the influence, are also included in the signs and symptoms of drug abuse as the safety of the individual and everyone around them become the least of their worries.
The increase in risk taking could lead to legal implications such as being arrested.

From a personal level, drug abuse can deteriorate close relationships as clashes with loved ones, your employer and work colleagues could lead to estrangement from the individual.

Some of the physical symptoms that can be noticed on a drug abuser are red, bloodshot eyes, changes in their sleep patterns and eating habits, weight loss or weight gain, changes in their appearance (grooming), strange smells and bodily movement problems.

Psychological changes that can be found on a drug abuser range from personality changes, mood swings and having no sense of motivation.

In drug addiction, the dependency on the drug becomes a necessity for the addict.
Addicts are found to have a higher tolerance rate than a drug abuser, and it will take excessive amounts of the drug to satisfy their craving.

This can be exceptionally dangerous as your body might not be able to withstand the amounts of the drug that your craving demands and could cause serious damage and in some cases, fatality.

When a person cannot get hold of the drug they addicted to, they go through a series of withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, depression, nausea. This leads to the use of the drug to relieve this.

Drug addicts have no control over their addiction as they become unable to meet any personal limits that have been set for them. Every passing moment becomes filled with thoughts of where the next fix will come from and how it will be attained.

The individuals life becomes centred on the drug and activities that were previously enjoyed becomes a thing of the past.
The sad thing is that the drug addicts are aware of the damage it’s causing, but yet he or she is unable to abstain from it.