Most people when faced with the possibility of alcoholism personally or with someone close opt for denial. Then one cannot escape the truth and one needs to assess the seriousness and best solutions. When does one really call it alcoholism or substance abuse?

PROBLEMSThis article should help you make a decision as to the seriousness of the problem. The medical boffins rather use the word “alcohol dependence”, not alcoholism. Generally, the problem refers to a person that is completely dependent on alcohol and abstinence would be the only solution. Where a person has a less severe drinking problem other solutions are available.

An accurate description of signs and symptoms of alcohol dependence can be difficult. Alcoholics tend to be in part denial and become secretive and take measures to hide their problem. Some uncertainty could abound but by getting a deeper perspective on the problem may help.

One needs some difference between heavy drinking and alcoholism. Alcoholism is not based on the quantity of drink, but how it is affecting your life. The medical fraternity bases their diagnosis of alcohol dependence on the following points.

A person develops a “tolerance” for alcohol.

This involves consuming more to obtain the desired effect. They drink more than most people.

They have withdrawal symptoms; this makes them feel sick with nausea, sweating, and the shakes together with anxiousness. They need to get levels of alcohol in the system up again to get rid of the feelings. An ordinary hangover is different. Withdrawal symptoms get worse through the day if they cannot ‘top up’. This is a serious sign.

A person with a problem often says they’ll cut down on consumption, but these attempts always fail. They revert back to normal over consumption.

The following signs are when alcohol plays a more important role than anything else in their lives, everything else gets left behind.

People with alcohol problems always make sure there is alcohol about with parties, visiting bars or drinking alone at home. They’ll often make last minute dashes to the bottle store or pub before closing to up supplies.

This is a sure sign that this person needs addiction treatment or help.

Important professional, social or recreational activities take a back seat so as not to interfere with drinking time.

Alcohol wins every time.

Anti-social occurrences happen time and again. Family suffer but are often reluctant to make moves towards helping a person get alcohol treatment. A detox from alcohol is often the only way to help.

Complete Guide to Alcohol Addiction Here.