These are 10 facts about alcohol addiction that you ought to know.

  1. Research has found that most alcohol addictions frequently start when the person is still in their teen years. Many teenagers do not realise that there are so many negative side effects to abusing alcohol and actually view intoxication as something to strive for.
  2. Alcohol abuse is one of the leading causes of road death. In fact, many of these victims have not even turned twenty one years of age yet.
  3. A link between alcohol abuse and infertility in females has been found. In fact, researchers discovered that even so-called social drinking can increase a female’s chances of battling with fertility problems later down the line.
  4. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can severely affect the development of an unborn child and result in foetal alcohol syndrome and many other health problems such as coronary problems when the child grows up.
  5. While consuming alcohol can increase your sex drive, it is completely counterproductive because it hinders sexual functioning. Many male alcohol abusers will struggle with sexual performance problems later in life.
  6. An alcohol addiction is one of the hardest habits to kick. It is practically impossible without the support of professionals and institutions.
  7. Research has found that more than half of those who commit suicide do so after getting intoxicated.
  8. Alcohol abuse in a relationship is likely to lead to physical or emotional abuse of the abuser’s partner.
  9. Pre-teens and younger teenagers are particularly vulnerable to alcohol advertising.
  10. The Majority of teenagers who have an alcohol abuse problem never seek or receive treatment for their problem.

Guide to beating alcohol addiction.