There are many reasons that lead a person to develop an addiction. During the years many untruths have been expressed towards people who have fallen victim to addiction.

Here are some facts/truths towards a person who has become an addict.

  • Putting an end to an addiction is not a matter of self-control. The extended use of drugs by a person has trained or changed an addict’s brain in such way that it leads to constant longings and desires to use. With that said quitting consists of more than just plain self-discipline.
  • Drug addiction is a brain disease, and there are things that doctors and therapists can do to treat a person with addictions. People with drug addictions do not need to feel deserted as there are many options that can help and put an end to it through therapy, exercise, medicine and other healing programmes.
  • People with addiction problems do not have to reach the very lowest level before recovering or seeking help. It can be treated at any stage, but the longer the wait, the harder the recovery will be.
  • Whether people with addictions are seeking treatment by own choice or by insistence from family, friends, co-workers or law, the effects will in the end be positive. Hesitant persons need to become sober within treatment for them to realize that they actually do want to change their lives for the best.
  • To completely recover from any addiction takes a great deal of hard work over an extended period of time. With a setback, addicts have to realize that it is time for treatment again or to make adjustments towards the treatment process. It does not mean that previous treatment actions have failed or that the person with the setback has failed.

The truth about drug addiction is that it is an insidious sickness. You may not notice the difference in your partner, child or parent until it is far too late. This is why it is important to pick up on the signs of drug abuse among your loved ones. Many people who are smack in the middle of their addiction believe that it is impossible to recover from the addiction. There are even families who believe the same because of intense disappointment.

The truth is that there are millions of people around the world who are living testimonies that this brain disease can be recovered from. The addict will forever remain a drug addict, but he or she can be a recovering addict. When you are in recovery, you are on the wagon and you don’t use your drug of choice, or any drug at all, any longer.

It is possible to kick the habit and to live a life free of drug addiction. You can take back control of your life right now and start your journey to recovery, and start living again. It will be to you and your family’s benefit to start your journey sooner than later.

Teenagers who are drug addicts is even more at risk because of the developmental problems. The truth is that these people will need a lot of help to kick their habit. Teenagers’ bodies are still developing, and being involved with a drug addiction can stunt their essential growth which could lead to lifetimes of problems for these people.

If you fear one of your loved ones might be having a problem with drug addiction, an intervention could be one of the best and most effective ways to help them, and to show them that you really do care about them.