Alcohol is ingested through the stomach and small intestine into the blood. In the blood, the alcohol spreads throughout the body. Alcohol reached the brains after 10 minutes through the blood and from that moment you are not driving anymore. If there is food in the stomach, the absorption of alcohol takes longer.

Anaesthesia brain
The alcohol numbs the brain. This has various effects on your mood and behavior. Thus, inhibitions disappear, your memory is reduced and your concentration and self-criticism disappears. The more you drink, the stronger the effect.

Alcoholic BAC

A standard glass of alcohol leads to an average blood alcohol level of 0.2 in men and 0.3 in women. Because the body of a woman has less moisture than the body of a man, the alcohol is less diluted in women and women become on average more rapidly under the influence. The liver breaks down alcohol in 1 to 1.5 hours.

Degradation by liver
Your liver breaks down over 95% of all the alcohol in your body. A small 5% leaves through the urine, breath and sweats out of your body.

The liver takes 1 or 1.5 hours on the degradation of a standard glass of alcohol. If you drink eight glasses, the liver will take 8 to 12 hours to break down the alcohol. This means that after a night of heavy drinking the alcohol is still in your blood from the previous night.

The decomposition of alcohol can in no way be accelerated. Not coffee, not exercise, not a cold shower and not a walk in the fresh air will help. The alcohol we drink has the chemical name of ethanol (C2H5OH). If alcohol is broken, acetaldehyde occurs first, a substance more toxic and therefore more harmful than alcohol itself.

Acetaldehyde is converted to acetic acid which is then broken down into carbon dioxide and water. Too much alcohol in a relatively short time will cause acetaldehyde in the blood, which is very harmful.