While many of us know or have an idea of just how bad drugs can be, few of us have really seen the devastating effects of severe drug addiction and drug abuse unless we are or were directly related to the drug addict or their families, or indeed, if we were the drug addicts ourselves. The fact of the matter is that drug abuse and drug addiction is extremely devastating and destructive.

The most often discussed set of consequences and side effects of drug abuse and drug addiction has to do with the physical health and the physical consequences of drug abuse. Without the proper medical intervention of a comprehensive drug rehabilitation Programme provided by a certified and experienced rehab treatment centre the physical consequences of on-going drug abuse can include severe damage to the kidneys, lungs and liver of the drug addict as well as severe mental problems as a result of brain damage including possible seizures and nervous system damage.

It is not only the physical body that long term drug abuse effects, there are many repercussions to drug abuse and they can also include emotional and relationship issues as well. a drug addict by the very nature of their disease is exclusive and abusive, relationships between the person and their families can be forced to take a tremendous amount of strain, sometimes to breaking point. Children or dependants of drug addicts suffer the most because without their parent to provide love and support, they themselves become open to potential drug abuse further down the line.

Qualified counsellors that are employed by the substance and abuse rehab centre can find ways to repair broken bonds between the drug addict and their families and friends. A big part of the drug rehab programs involves teaching the person how to find a new way to live, helping them to identify and thus avoid the usual pitfalls within their lives that made them turn to drugs in the first place.

It also most often the case that the recovering drug addict actually has to start from scratch because they have lost almost everything through selling possessions in order to fund their drug habits, being dismissed from their employ because their habit made them unproductive and so on. With proper medical intervention, as well as a holistic approach to drug rehabilitation including the rehabilitation of the drug addict’s entire life, the drug abuser or drug addict can still live a fulfilling and productive life.