Multiple substance abuse, colloquially called polyaddiciton, is a form of drug addiction, in which two or more substances are involved.

Reasons for multiple drug use can be complex. For one thing, “like” make spontaneously to other substances the use of a particular drug, on the other, targeted mixed consumption takes place, hoping to achieve a special effect. For some combinations among consumers therefore own terms have developed, such as the simultaneous use of MDMA and LSD which as Candyflip is called, or the combination of cocaine and heroin also known as speedballing.

Drug counselling services recommend usually by mixing drugs of any kind, since the respective individual risks of drugs add to the consumer in most cases, but sometimes also.


Alcohol and tobacco
  • Increasing cancer risk
  • Higher risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Erectile dysfunction and menstrual disorders
Alcohol and cannabis
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Responsiveness and orientation have to
  • Hallucinations
  • Higher risk of accidents
  • Tendency to overdose
  • Stronger alcohol intoxication
Alcohol and MDMA (Ecstasy)
  • Tendency to overdose
  • Stronger burden of the liver is more likely to alcohol poisoning and liver damage
  • Heat accumulation and overheating
  • Higher risk of accidents
  • Higher risk of long-term memory disorders
  • Harder “Comedown”
Alcohol and LSD
  • Effect of alcohol is not perceived risk of alcohol overdose
Alcohol and amphetamine (speed)
  • Effect of alcohol is not perceived risk of alcohol overdose
  • Despite feeling of sobriety reduced responsiveness
  • Large burden on the liver and kidneys
  • Dehydration
  • Heat accumulation, overheating
Alcohol and cocaine
  • Effect of alcohol is not perceived risk of alcohol overdose
  • Despite feeling of sobriety reduced responsiveness
  • Overconfidence, aggressive behavior
  • For long-term and high-dose mixed consumption emotional hardening

When cocaine to alcohol use:

  • Formation of Coca ethylene: by significant reinforcement of primary cocaine effect
Alcohol and heroin
  • Potentiation of side effects: comatose state and paralysis of breathing and heart activity possible
Cannabis and MDMA (Ecstasy)
  • Mutual enhancement of action
  • Temporary impairment of memory
  • High circulatory stress
Cannabis and amphetamine (speed)
  • Anxiety or panic attacks
  • High circulatory stress
  • In durable consumer risk of psychosis and / or anxiety disorder
Cannabis and methamphetamine (Crystal)
  • Anxiety or panic attacks
  • High circulatory stress
  • In durable consumer risk of psychosis and / or anxiety disorder
Cannabis and cocaine
  • Anxiety or panic attacks
  • High circulatory stress
  • Under stress conditions, additive increase in heart rate and blood pressure
  • In durable consumer risk of psychosis and / or anxiety disorder

When cocaine to cannabis use:

  • Lightly reinforced and prolonged euphoria, elevated blood levels
MDMA (Ecstasy) and LSD ( “Candyflip”)
  • Effects of MDMA (Ecstasy) is amplified
  • Increase in body temperature
  • Heatstroke / collapse
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Strong hallucinations
MDMA (Ecstasy) and amphetamine (speed)
  • Effects of MDMA (Ecstasy) is partially mitigated, tendency to overdose
  • Stimulating effect of both substances is maintained, therefore overload the cardiovascular system
  • Heatstroke / collapse
  • increased fluid loss
  • increased likelihood of brain damage
Amphetamine (speed) and LSD
  • LSD trip is “unpredictable”: This may mean that the consumer feels no LSD effect, or that he is overwhelmed by the action, with all the ensuing risks