ablutophilia washing or bathing
acarophilia itching
acerophilia sourness or sour things
achluophilia darkness
acousticophilia noise
acrophilia heights, high places
aeroacrophilia open high places
aeronauseophilia airsickness
aerophilia air or drafts
agateophilia insanity
agoraphilia open or public places
agathophilia kindness
agriozoophilia wild animals
agyrophilia streets or crossing them
aichmophilia sharp or pointed objects
ailurophilia cats
albuminurophilia albumen in the urine or kidney disease
alektorophilia roosters or chickens
algophilia pain
alliophilia garlic (Latinized; see scorodophilia)
allodoxaphilia different opinions
altophilia heights, high places (Latinized; see acrophilia)
amathophilia dust
amaxophilia riding in a car or wagon
ambulophilia walking
amnesiophilia forgetting
amychophilia being scratched
anablephilia looking up
androphilia men
anemophilia wind or drafts
anginophilia angina, choking tightness
Anglophilia things English
ankylophilia immobility of a joint
anthophilia flowers
anthropophilia people or society
antlophilia floods
anuptophilia staying single
apeirophilia infinity
aphenophilia riches, wealth
apiophilia bees
apotemnophilia persons with amputations
arachibutyrophilia peanut butter sticking in your mouth
arachnephilia spiders (See also arachnophilia)
arachnophilia spiders (See also arachnephilia)
arithmophilia numbers
astrophilia stars or celestial space
asymmetrophilia asymmetrical things
ataxiophilia loss of muscular coordination
ataxophilia disorder or untidiness
atelophilia imperfection
atephilia ruin or ruins
athazagoraphilia forgetfulness or being forgotton
atomosophilia atomic explosions
atychiphilia failure or misfortune
augophilia bright lights, glare, sunlight
aulophilia flutes
aurophilia gold
aurorophilia the Northern Lights
autodysomophilia bad odors or people with them
automatonophilia automatons
automysophilia being dirty
autophilia solitude, being alone
aviatophilia flying (See also aviophilia)
aviophilia flying (See also aviatophilia)


• B •
bacillophilia microbes
bacteriophilia bacteria
ballistophilia missiles, including bullets
barophilia gravity
basiphilia falling or being unable to stand
bathyphilia depth or deep water
batrachophilia amphibians, such as frogs
Beatlephilia The Beatles
belonephilia sharp, pointed objects (See also aichmophilia)
bibliophilia books
blennophilia slime
blogophilia blogs and writing them
Bolshephilia Bolsheviks
botanophilia plants
bromidrophilia body smells (Questionable; see also bromidrosiphilia)
bromidrosiphilia body smells (Questionable; see also bromidrophilia)
brontophilia thunder and lightning
bufonophilia toads


• C •
cacophilia ugliness
cainophilia newness, novelty, change (See also cainotophilia)
cainotophilia newness, novelty, change (See also cainophilia)
caligynephilia beautiful women
cancerophilia cancer (Better: carcinophilia)
carcinophilia cancer (Preferable to cancerophilia)
cardiophilia heart, the
carnophilia meat
catagelophilia being ridiculed
catapedophilia jumping
cathisophilia sitting
catoptrophilia mirrors
cenophilia empty spaces
centophilia new things or ideas
ceraunophilia thunder and lightning
chaetophilia hair
cheimatophilia the cold or cold things
chemophilia chemicals
cherophilia gaiety
chionophilia snow
chiraptophilia being touched
chirophilia hands
cholerophilia anger or cholera
chorophilia dancing
chromatophilia colors
chrometophilia money
chronomentrophilia clocks
chronophilia time
cibophilia food
cibophilia food (See also Sitophilia, Sitiophilia)
claustrophilia confinement
cleithrophilia being enclosed (See also clithrophilia)
kleptophilia stealing, theifs
clinophilia going to bed
clithrophilia being enclosed
cnidophilia stings
coimetrophilia cemeteries
coitophilia sex or sexual relations
cometophilia comets
contreltophilia sexual abuse
coprastasophilia constipation
coprophilia feces
coulrophilia clowns
counterphilia fearful situations
cremnophilia cliffs and precipices
cryophilia extreme cold, ice or frost
crystallophilia crystals or glass
cyberphilia Internet, the
cyclophilia cycles or bicycles
cymophilia waves or waviness
cynophilia dogs or rabies
cyprianophilia prostitutes or venereal disease
cypridophilia venereal disease
cyprinophilia prostitutes


• D •
daimonophilia ghosts or demons
decalcophilia decals
defecaloesiophilia painful bowels movements
deipnophilia dining
dementophilia insanity
demonophilia ghosts or demons
demophilia people
dendrophilia trees
dentophilia dentists or dentistry
dermatophilia skin disease (See also dermatosiophilia)
dermatosiophilia skin disease (See also dermatophilia)
dextrophilia things on the right
diabetophilia diabetes
didaskaleinophilia going to school
dikephilia justice, lawsuits
dinophilia dizziness or whirlpools
diplophilia double vision
dipsophilia drinking (spirits. alcohol)
dishabiliophilia undressing in front of someone
dontophilia teeth
dorophilia fur animal skins
doxophilia opinions or praise
dromophilia crossing streets
dysmorphophilia physical deformity
dystychiphilia accidents


• E •
ecclesiophilia church
ecophilia the home or houses (See also oikophilia)
eisoptrophilia mirrors
electrophilia electricity
eleutherophilia freedom
emetophilia vomiting
enetophilia pins
enissophilia attack or criticism
enochlophilia crowds
entomophilia insects
eosophilia dawn or daylight
ephebophilia teenagers
epistaxiophilia nosebleeds
epistemophilia knowledge
equinophilia horses (Better hippophilia)
eremophilia being oneself or of loneliness
ereuthophilia red or anything red (See also erythrophilia, erytophilia)
ergasiophilia work or functioning
ergophilia work
erophilia love, love-making
erotophilia the erotic, eroticism
erythrophilia red or anything red (See also erytophilia, ereuthophilia)
erytophilia red or anything red (See also erythrophilia, ereuthophilia)
euphilia goodness or things good
eurotophilia female private parts


• F •
febriphilia fever (See also fibriophilia)
fibriophilia fever (See also febriphilia)
Francophilia things French (See also Gallophilia, Galiophilia)
frigophilia cold or cold things


• G •
Gallophilia things French (See also Francophilia, Galiophilia)
gamophilia marriage
geliophilia laughter
geniophilia chins
genophilia sex
genuphilia knees
gephyrophilia crossing bridges
gerascophilia growing old
germanophilia germany or german culture
gerontophilia old people
geumophilia taste
glossophilia language or speaking
gnosiophilia knowledge
goetophilia witches and witchcraft
graphophilia writing or script
gymnophilia nudity
gynephilia women


• H •
hadephilia hell (See also stygiophilia)
hagiophilia saints or holy things
hamartophilia sinning or sin
haphephilia being touched
haptephilia being touched (See also haphephilia)
harpaxophilia being robbed
hedonophilia feeling pleasure
heliophilia the sun or sunlight
Hellenologophilia Greek words or scientific terms
Hellenophilia things Greek
helminthophilia worms
hematophilia blood
hemophilia blood
hereiophilia challenges to official doctrine
herpetophilia reptiles
heterophilia the opposite sex
hierophilia priests or sacred things
hippophilia horses (Better than equinophilia)
hobophilia bums or beggars (Joke)
hodophilia road travel
homichlophilia fog
homilophilia sermons
homophilia homosexuals or homosexuality
homophilia people
homophilia sameness
hoplophilia firearms
hormephilia shock
hyalophilia glass (See also hyelophilia)
hydrargyophilia mercurial medicines
hydrophilia water or rabies
hydrophilophilia rabies
hyelophilia glass (See also hyalophilia)
hygrophilia liquid or moisture
hygrophilia liquids, dampness, or moisture
hylephilia materialism or epilepsy
hylophilia forests
hypegiaphilia responsibility
hypengyophilia responsibility
hypnophilia sleep or hypnosis
hypsophilia height
iatrophilia doctors


• I •
ichthyophilia fish
iconophilia pictures or images
ideophilia ideas
illyngophilia vertigo
insectophilia insects
iophilia poison
Islamophilia Islam
isolophilia solitude, being alone
isopterophilia termites


• J •
Japanophilia things Japanese
Judeophilia Jews


• K •
kainophilia novelty, innovation
kainotophilia change
kakorrhaphiophilia failure or defeat
katagelophilia ridicule
kathisophilia sitting down
kenophilia empty spaces
keraunophilia thunder and lightning (See also ceraunophilia)
kinesophilia movement or motion (See also kinetophilia)
kinetophilia movement or motion (See also kinesophilia)
kleptophilia stealing
koinoniphilia rooms
kolpophilia private parts, particularly female
koniophilia dust (See also amathophilia)
kopophilia fatigue
kosmophilia cosmos, cosmic phenomena
kymophilia waves or undulation (See also cymophilia)
kynophilia dogs or rabies
kyphophilia stooping


• L •
lachanophilia vegetables
laliophilia speaking (See also lalophilia)
lalophilia speaking (Peferable to laliophilia)
leprophilia leprosy
leukophilia white, the color
ligyrophilia loud or shrill noises
lilapsophilia tornadoes and hurricanes
limnophilia lakes
linonophilia string
litigophilia law suits (See also dikophilia)
logizomechanophilia computers
logophilia words (Better than verbophilia)
loutrophilia washing or bathing
luiphilia lues, syphillis
lutraphilia otters
lygophilia darkness
lyssophilia rabies or madness


• M •
macrophilia long waits
mageirocophilia cooking
maieusiophilia childbirth
malaxophilia softening, softness
maniaphilia insanity
mastigophilia punishment
mechanophilia machines
megalophilia large things
melanophilia black, the color
melissophilia bees
melophilia music
meningitophilia brain disease
menophilia menstruation
merinthophilia being tied up
metallophilia metal
metathesiophilia changes
meteorophilia meteors
methyphilia alcohol
metrophilia poetry
microbiophilia microbes (See also bacillophilia)
microphilia small things
misophilia hatred
mnemophilia memories
molysmophilia contamination
monopathophilia single disease
monophilia solitude or being alone
motorophilia motors
musculophilia muscles
musophilia mice or muscles
mycophilia mushrooms
mycrophilia small things
myrmecophilia ants
mysophilia dirt or germs
mythophilia myths or gossip
myxophilia slime (See also blennophilia)


• N •
nebulaphilia fog (See also homichlophilia)
necrophilia death or dead things
negrophilia Africans or African Americans
nelophilia glass
neopharmaphilia new drugs
neophilia anything new
nephophilia clouds
noctiphilia the night (Better nyctophilia)
nomatophilia names
nosocomephilia hospitals
nosophilia illness or disease
nostophilia returning home
novercaphilia your stepmother or stepmothers
nucleomitophilia nuclear weapons
nudophilia nudity
numerophilia numbers
nyctohylophilia forests at night
nyctophilia night, dark (Better than noctiphilia)


• O •
obesophilia obesity
ochlophilia crowds or mobs
ochophilia vehicles
octophilia 8, the figure or number
odontophilia teeth or dentistry
odynephilia pain (See also agliophilia)
oenophilia wines
oikophilia the home or houses (See also ecophilia)
olfactophilia smells
ombrophilia rain
ommatophilia eyes (See also ommetaphilia)
ommetaphilia eyes (See also ommataphilia)
oneirogmophilia wet dreams
oneirophilia dreams
onomatophilia words or a certain word
ophidiophilia snakes
ophthalmophilia being stared or looked at
opiophilia medicine
optophilia opening one’s eyes
ornithophilia birds
orthophilia property
osmophilia smells or odors (See also osphresiophilia)
osphresiophilia smells or odors (See also osmophilia)
ostraconophilia shellfish
ouranophilia heaven (See also uranophilia)


• P •
paedophilia children or dolls (See also pedophilia)
pagophilia ice or frost
panophilia everything (See also pantophilia)
panthophilia suffering and disease
pantophilia everything (See also panophilia)
papaphilia the Pope
papyrophilia paper
paralipophilia neglecting duty or responsibility
paraphilia sexual perversion
parasitophilia parasites
paraskavedekatriaphilia Friday the 13th (Joke)
parthenophilia young girls
parturiphilia childbirth
pathophilia disease
patroiophilia heredity
peccatophilia sinning or crimes
pediculophilia lice
pediophilia dolls
pedophilia children or dolls (See also paedophilia)
peladophilia bald people
pellagrophilia pellagra
peniaphilia poverty
pentherophilia your mother-in-law or mother-in-laws (See also novercaphilia)
phagophilia eating or of being eaten
phalacrophilia becoming bald
phallophilia penis, esp erect
pharmacophilia drugs or medicines
phasmophilia ghosts
phengophilia daylight or sunshine
philematophilia kissing
philemophilia kissing
philophilia affection, kindness.
philosophilia philosophy, learning
phallainophilia whales
philophilia love or philias
phonophilia sounds, voices, or telephones
photophilia light
phronemophilia thinking
phtheirophilia lice
phthisiophilia tuberculosis
placophilia tombstones
plutophilia wealth
pluviophilia rain
pneumatophilia spirits
pnigerophilia choking of being smothered (See also pnigophilia)
pnigophilia choking of being smothered (See also pnigerophilia)
pogophilia beards
poinephilia punishment
poliophilia poliomyelitis or gray, the color
politicophilia politics or politicians
polyphilia many things
ponophilia overworking or of pain
pornophilia pornography
pornographophilia pornography
porphyrophilia purple, the color
potamophilia rivers or running water
potophilia alcohol or drinking
proctophilia rectums
prosophilia progress
psellismophilia stuttering
psychophilia mind
psychrophilia cold (See also frigophilia)
pteridophilia ferns
pterophilia birds; feathers or being tickled by them
pupaphilia puppets
pyrexiophilia fever
pyrophilia fire


• R •
radiophilia radiation, x-rays, or radios
ranophilia frogs
rhabdophilia switch, the rod, or punishment
rhypophilia defecation
rhytophilia wrinkles or getting wrinkles
rupophilia dirt
Russophilia russians


• S •
samhainophilia halloween (Joke)
sarmassophilia love play (Questionable word)
Satanophilia Satan
scabiophilia scabies
scatophilia fecal matter
scelerophibia evil, evil people
sciophilia shadows
scoleciphilia worms
scolionophilia school
scopophilia being looked at
scorodophilia garlic (Better than alliumophilia)
scotophilia darkness (See also achluophilia, nychtophilia)
scriptophilia writing in public
selachophilia sharks
selaphilia light flashes
selenophilia the moon
seplophilia decaying matter
sesquipedalophilia long words
sexophilia sex
siderodromophilia trains, railroads or train travel
siderophilia iron or steel
sinistrophilia things to the left or left-handedness
sinophilia things Chinese
sitiophilia food (See also cibophilia)
scorodophilia garlic (Better than alliumphilia)
socerophilia parents-in-law
sociophilia society or people in general
somnephilia sleep or dreams
sophophilia wisdom or learning
spermatophilia germs (See also spermophilia)
spermophilia germs (See also spermatophilia)
sphekophilia wasps
stasephilia standing or walking (ambulophilia)
staurophilia crosses or the crucifix
stenophilia narrow things or places
stygiophilia hell (See also Latinized hadephilia)
symbolophilia symbolism
symmetrophilia symmetry
syngeneaphilia relatives
syphilophilia syphilis


• T •
tachophilia speed
taeniophilia tapeworms (See also teniophilia)
taphephilia of cemeteries or of being buried alive
tapinophilia being contagious
taurophilia bulls
technophilia technology
teleophilia definite plans
telephonophilia telephones
teniophilia tapeworms (See also taeniophilia)
teratophilia monsters or deformities
testophilia tests, taking tests (Joke)
tetanophilia lockjaw, tetanus
Teutophilia Germans or things German
textophilia certain fabrics
thassophilia sitting
thalassophilia sea, ocean
thanatophilia death or dying
theatrophilia theatres
theologophilia theology or religious study
theophilia gods or religion
thermophilia heat
tocophilia pregnancy or childbirth
tomophilia surgical operations
topophilia performing in certain places
toxophilia poison or being poisoned
traumatophilia injury
tremophilia trembling
trichinophilia trichinosis
trichopathophilia hair disorders
trichophilia hair
triskaidekaphilia the number 13 (Joke)
tropophilia changes
trypanophilia injections
tuberculophilia tuberculosis
typhlophilia blindness
tyrannophilia tyrants


• U •
uranophilia heaven (See also ouranophilia)
urophilia urine or urination


• V •
vaccinophilia injections or vaccination
venusophilia beautiful women (Joke)
verbophilia words (Latinized; see logophilia)
verminophilia germs
vestiphilia clothing
vitricophilia stepfather


• W •
Walloonophilia Walloons
wiccophilia witches and witchcraft (Joke; see gaetophilia)


• X •
xanthophilia yellow, the color
xenoglossophilia foreign languages
xenophilia strangers or foreigners
xerophilia dryness
xeroxophilia paper copies (Joke)
xylophilia wood or forests
xyrophilia razors


• Z •
zelophilia jealousy
zemmophilia the great mole rat (Joke)
zoophilia animals