Laezonia Rehabilitation Clinic

Do you know that in specialised addiction rehab facilities there are many cutting edge addiction treatment solutions which could significantly improve lasting treatment results? Conclusive addiction recovery includes a lifetime undertaking to sobriety. Located in Laezonia, Centurion in Southern Africa, our therapeutic treatment facilities give a sheltered, progressive, supportive in addition to compassionate environment.


Drug Rehab in Laezonia

General warning signs of substance addiction. You have probably established larger tolerance to the drug. You may use greater amount of the drug to experience the same effects which you would once obtain on smaller amounts. You consume drugs to counteract or eliminate withdrawal difficulties. Relapse Prevention provides a natural and nurturing location for anybody afflicted by substance addiction, drug issues. Our main emphasis as a professional team of dependence industry professionals shall be to help & prepare people with the knowledge combined with tools necessary to prevail over substance addiction.

More About Drug Dependence

Alcoholism in Laezonia

Alcoholism certainly is the biggest addiction condition in South Africa. Alcohol is culturally well-accepted, as a result it often can make it more difficult for the user or the family to know whether or not it is becoming a dependency matter.

More About Alcohol Abuse

Substance Abuse Interventions in Laezonia

Our own highly trained and specialist interventionists are the glue that holds the entire intervention together. A lot more targeted technique is normally necessary. You might have to join forces with other people and then accomplish it with a proper intervention process.

About Intervention Solutions

Addiction Rehabilitation in Laezonia

Any person who is within treatment or seeking support the very first time needs to keep in mind that alcohol and drug dependence is identified as a disorder, not really a morale failing or even a weakness of resolve or just a lack in the capability to just avoid triggers.

More On Interventions

Residential Rehabilitation in Laezonia

This particular type of rehab entails living at the clinic where you happen to be getting treatment.

More Details Residential

Secondary Care Rehab in Laezonia

Out-patient – This style of treatment Programme generally incorporates frequently planned addiction counselling consultations maybe once or twice per week. Nevertheless for the most part the sufferer is recovered to enough of a degree to remain away from the care centre for extended intervals.

More About Extended Treatment

Halfway House Rehabilitation in Laezonia

An prolonged treatment course is not necessarily the most suitable choice for people in search of help with their addiction, and many things enter into deciding on the right treatment Programme for you.

More About Halfway House

If you are afflicted with a substance abuse problem, you’re not on your own. It’s estimated that a over a million people in S.A. are fighting a substance abuse problem. The addiction therapy approach addresses the numerous problems that facilitate the actual addiction and uses these factors to construct the client’s sustained recovery program.

Addiction Counsellor Meetings in Laezonia (Centurion)
Top addiction recovery experts in Centurion assist in a sustained recovery lifestyle for people with substance use disorders. Walking into therapy for the first time is quite a harrowing experience for most individuals. Yet overtime the process becomes easier as you get to gain insights and start to meet members who provide personal insights and support. Not all addiction recovery counsellors is not suited to every person suffering with an addiction. Patients are individuals & one-size solutions do not treat all.

Ongoing recovery involves the development of new meaning and purposeful direction in persons daily existence. This process is a personal direction rather than a set outcome, and will ultimately involve developing personal growth, a empowerment and coping skills. The Laezonia treatment clinic provides safe and secure residence in a homely environment with full-time staff counsellors that cater directly to individual therapy of alcohol & drug addiction related dependence disorders. Laezonia maintains highly competitive residency rates as a private treatment centre, and maintains one of the best outpatient programmes in the industry.