Rowhill Rehabilitation Clinic

There isn’t any quick fix answers to treatment for addictions. We provide individuals with treatment for alcohol and drug abuse and dual disorder diagnosis, using an holistic therapeutic service Programme in a safe and non-confrontational setting. Our group take the overall picture approach to substance addiction rehab treatment – addressing the individuals overall way of living in connection with drug and alcohol abuse, alcohol and binge dysfunctions and allied with your loved ones during the entire course of treatment if possible.


Drug Rehab in Rowhill

Narcotic dependency can be the bodies actual desire, or dependency, to a substance of choice. There is as a result no difference between addiction & dependency. Over the long-term, this particular dependence translates into actual physical destruction, behaviour problems, not to mention associations with individuals that likewise use illegal substances. One thing to do while you’re searching for the most effective rehab & recovery centre is usually to put together a short list of things that are important for your needs and stay with it.

More About Substance Abuse

Alcoholism in Rowhill

Abusive drinking stands out as the most significant addiction problem in South Africa and worldwide. Alcoholic drinks is socially supported, and so it quite often rendering it more difficult for the user as well as the family to establish whether or not this has become a dependency issue.

More About Alcohol Abuse

Interventions in Rowhill

Regarding addiction, the user with the dilemma often-times is unable to see it and / or admit it. A far more targeted process is often needed. You might have to join forces with other people and then undertake it through the formalised intervention process.

More On Interventions

Substance Addiction Treatment in Rowhill

Any person who is within addiction recovery or looking for help the very first time needs to recognize that drug or alcohol abuse is in fact a disorder, not really a morale failing or just a weakness of willpower or even a lack in the ability to simply say ‘no’.

More On Intervention Solutions

Residential Rehabilitation in Rowhill

A primary care drug rehab is a controlled living environment from where the person remains within a rehab facility during his whole treatment.

More About Residential

Secondary Care Rehab in Rowhill

These types of solutions entail going to a treatment facility or maybe a medical facility to get more formalised treatment or when needed, having access to health-related specialists or psychological care. But for effectively the most part an individual is rehabilitated enough to be on their own and away from the clinic for longer periods.

More About Secondary Treatment

Long-term Treatment in Rowhill

Lasting addiction treatment will provide solutions in which the person will reside for a time period of over three months.

More About Tertiary Care

Accredited counsellors will help isolate behaviours that are the root cause addiction. Substance abuse recovery is never out of range, regardless of how impossible your personal situation may seem.

Addiction Counsellors in Rowhill (Springs)
The directives of the best addiction counselling services in Springs assist in an on going recovery lifestyle for people with substance use disorders. We cannot reiterate the importance of professionally run recovery meetings to individuals that are seeking recovery lifestyle. Note to readers: personal counselling struggling with an addiction. Addiction recovery could often be much more involved than attending private therapy with a counsellor meeting.

Many “life coach” and “recovery coach” type services centres fail to address the full picture of addiction treatment, while many “expert” rehabilitation clinics maintain fantastic web-pages but are marketing companies operated by recovering addicts. The primary care Rowhill treatment clinic provides secure and safe accommodation in a homely environment with resident counsellors that cater directly to recovering patients of alcohol, cocaine, heroin, cannabis, methamphetamine related addictions. This clinic is a 24h support rehab with resident staff who understand the drill.