A great amount of research has demonstrated that appropriately assisted sober living results in a more sustainable future in recovery. Halfway houses in Dundee require a time & a total understanding required of the difficulties recuperating individuals face daily basis to aid patients to break free from their dependencies or self-defeating behaviours.

Sober Living Home in Dundee

Why not give yourself the best opportunity to reboot your life?

Discover new freedom from addiction in South Africa’s best sober homes and recovery centres. Live your life again on your terms but now with support that our teams provide each step of the way.

Recovery Community

Private Recovery Group

Dundee Sober Living Home
Sober home in Dundee coming soon simply register to add your sober property here.
Sober home in Dundee coming soon simply follow the link to add your sober property here.
Sober living patients are encouraged to take responsibility on their own, whilst enjoying the direction of a supportive and recovery-based setting of the sober home.
Having the support and structure of the halfway house permits recuperating patients to focus on recovery & avoids them from falling back into unhealthy risky and self-defeating behaviour cycles.
The theory that every addiction patient is unique means that each person’s treatment need to be tailored to match their needs.

We work directly with you and your family to cultivate an individual treatment plan specifically designed for your goals.

Sober Home Admissions in Dundee
With just one telephone call, anyone take a step closer to a far better way of living. These sober homes in Dundee are meticulously reviewed and have proven as being satisfactorily maintained operations for the permanent recovery of patrons in their service.
Dundee House Rules
Tenants of a sober living establishment are expected to honour and follow every one of the house guidelines, which remain in place to sustain all individuals and guests. Every house is individually owned and the guidelines change from establishment to establishment. Ensure to check out the rules and obligations of the residents prior to joining in any sober home. A checklist of guidelines is given upon admission into the house, and people are obligated to sign a contract stating in which they will obey all the house rules. Please see core list of house rules here.

Dundee in Midlands Map

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