How many parents are prepared for the day when their teenagers ask them why they should not drink alcohol or make use of drugs?

These days, no teenager will simply accept an answer such as ‘because it’s bad for you’, as they are far more inquisitive and would want to know exactly why and if not justified entirely, then chances are they will go out to find out for themselves.

This is why all parents should familiarise themselves with the following

7 Reasons to Not Drink or Do Drugs.

  • It affects a teenager’s chance at a good future and overall school performance negatively as they’re minds, time and devotion will be occupied by their bad habits and the experimentation thereof and not on their studies.
  •  Drugs and alcohol changes one’s personality entirely, and not for the better, but for the worse. Drugs cause one to be completely unpredictable and show signs of extreme mood swings which includes rage, aggression etc. This will impact all relationships with family, friends as well as teachers and/or anyone in authority.
  • Due to the effects of drugs such as extreme mood swings and the desperation to support the drug habit, teenagers tend to get involved in unlawful activities which ultimately results in criminal records.
  • Drugs as well as alcohol both affect one’s judgment so much so that a teenager can easily start experimenting with hard core drugs while under the influence, or partake in sexual activities or even worse, have a car accident or land up in hospital due to a drunken fight.
  • Drugs as well as alcohol are both poison to a human body and will cause ill health. These health problems include liver failure, kidney failure, tremors, heart palpitation, respiratory problems and even death.
  • A child can suffer from brain damage due to coma, seizures and memory loss from alcohol and drug abuse. Other mental disorders such as anxiety, insomnia, depression etc. can also be caused by substance abuse.
  • A teenager experimenting with drugs is more likely to become a drug addict in future.

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