Claremont Detox Clinic

Many people are frustrated by perpetual failed attempts at complete addiction recovery. Our expert staff assist individuals afflicted with drug addiction and or alcoholism issues to get recovery services that will best suit their specific lifestyle. Together using knowledge centred courses, all of our primary care recovery facilities never just concentrate on the condition; we strengthen the individual while focusing for the coming future.

SubstancesAlcoholInterventionsRecoveryResidentialSecondaryHomesOther Locations

Drug Addiction in Claremont

Typical symptoms of drug dependency. You might have established a long-term tolerance to the drug. You will probably use much more of the drug to experience the same effects that you would always accomplish on smaller amounts. You might be taking drugs to counteract or soothe substance withdrawals. The unique guidelines of one’s dependency recovery plan of action varies in line with the drug addiction, your treatment plan applied, and also the individual.

More About Drug Abuse

Alcohol Abuse in Claremont

Careless drinking is the greatest addiction condition in South Africa. Alcohol in all forms is socially permitted, so it quite often will make it tougher for the user or even the family to ascertain whether or not it is actually a habit problem.

More About Abusive Drinking

Addiction Interventions in Claremont

An intervention process is a triggered meeting with the person or alcoholic and his / her friends, members of the family, and also other concerned individuals. In so many cases a drug overdose and even addiction-related disaster can have perhaps been averted if family had contacted a specialized drug and alcohol interventionist regarding aid at the beginning of their loved one’s drug & alcohol abuse.

About Planned Intervention

Substance Addiction Treatment in Claremont

Beyond abstinence, addiction recovery is actually an extended mechanisms for education, improving, and also healing: psychologically, in physical form, and building of support.

About Intervention Solutions

Residential Rehabilitation in Claremont

Inpatient rehab helps you to direct attention to your rehabilitation without disruptions and removes you from any situations which could have been contributing to the drug / alcohol abuse.

More Details Primary Care

Secondary Care Recovery Centre in Claremont

Some of these solutions involve going to a rehab centre or even a medical facility for more formalised addiction treatment or as required, admission to medical resources or psychiatric care. However for essentially the most part an individual is rehabilitated enough to stay away from the care centre for prolonged periods.

More About Extended Care

Extended Stay Rehab in Claremont

Meant for patients with complicated recovery issues that want more time, the actual process of recovery might call for expanded lengths of stick around. This will give for more concentrated effort on individual issues, mental health challenges, relapse prevention together with clean lifestyle proficiencies.

More About Tertiary Care Program

If you are under pressure with an addiction, you’re not the only one out there. It’s estimated that a over a million individuals in South Africa are fighting a substance abuse problem. Each of our recommended addiction rehabilitation services are operated by fully licensed, specialised mental health professionals along with substance abuse recovery counsellors (who have seen it all). Your primary aim should be to empower patients to detox and maintain sobriety away from substances and behaviours.

Registered Counsellor in Claremont (Pretoria)
For all intents and purposes addiction recovery counsellors in Pretoria advocate a sustained recovery lifestyle for people with substance use disorders. The service is usually on an hourly rate and counsellors are operated on a per booking basis. Note: Private addiction counselling is not ideal for all individuals struggling with an addiction disorder. Substance abuse recovery could often be a lot more complicated than attending a couple of therapy meetings.

Ongoing therapeutic management is the basis of recovery, if you don’t follow a directed treatment strategy there is not much hope of breaking the cycle on an ongoing basis. The primary care Claremont treatment centre provides secure and safe residence in an upmarket halfway-house with full-time staff counsellors that deal directly to recovering patients of alcohol, cocaine, crack, opioids, dagga, methamphetamine related dependence disorders. This clinic is a round the clock support facility with resident staff who understand the rehabilitation process.