Lotus Gardens Rehabilitation Clinic

One of the most successful drug and alcohol addiction recovery services inside Lotus Gardens. Lotus Gardens substance abuse recovery centres and addiction treatment advisory services can help you to overcome the “critical inner voice” that causes addiction. We take a big picture process to addiction rehabilitation treatments – addressing the individuals overall existence with regards to alcohol abuse, alcohol along with binging addiction & allied with the family unit during the entire treatments process whenever feasible.


Drug Addiction in Lotus Gardens

Abusing drugs, often known as drug abuse, is a regular using a compound where the individual consumes the substance in ranges or with techniques that are dangerous to their bodies or other people. The actual cause of substance abuse is impossible to recognize while there is not merely one lead reason. Drug rehabilitation or frequently just drug rehab or merely “rehab” is a term for the functions of medical or psychotherapeutic treatment methods, for dependency on addictive chemical substances, prescription drugs & hard drugs such as cocaine, heroin or amphetamines.

More About Substance Abuse

Abusive Drinking in Lotus Gardens

Abusive drinking stands out as the biggest addiction problem in South Africa and the world. Drinking is culturally permitted, and so it in some cases can make it tougher for the person or even the family to ascertain if this is becoming an addiction issue.

About Abusive Drinking

Substance Abuse Interventions in Lotus Gardens

If you have a relative in denial concerning the seriousness of her or his addiction and just how it is affecting the family unit, contact us now for intervention guidance.

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Addiction Rehabilitation in Lotus Gardens

Further than sobriety, recovery is actually an continuous approach to training, cultivating, and repairing: emotionally, physically, and re-establishment of normal routines.

More On Intervention Services

Primary Care Treatment in Lotus Gardens

This style of treatment entails living at the facility in which you happen to be receiving treatment.

More Primary Care

Secondary Facility Recovery Centre in Lotus Gardens

Other types of outpatient care incorporate extensive outpatient attention in addition to limited hospitalization. But for the most part the sufferer is rehabilitated enough to stay away from the clinic for expanded intervals.

More About Secondary Care

Extended Stay Rehab in Lotus Gardens

Halfway house drug and alcohol treatment offers programs when the person will stay for over 90 days.

More About Tertiary Care

Substance abuse is a continual, relapsing affliction identified by uncontrollable substance pursuit and use in spite of the negative outcomes. The addiction counselling process addresses the symptoms which facilitate the actual addiction and uses these factors to construct the patients ongoing rehabilitation program.

Registered Counsellor in Lotus Gardens (Pretoria)
Find registered counsellors in Pretoria relate to an on going recovery-based lifestyle for people with substance use disorders. We cannot reiterate the importance of professionally run recovery meetings to people that have sought sober lifestyle. Please note: AA or NA is not suited to every person struggling with an addiction. Patients are individuals and the nature of addiction treatment does not treat all issues.

Sustained addiction recovery pays attention to the personal growth of a new meaning and rebirth of direction in one’s daily existence. This is more of a personal journey as opposed to a specific result, and will ultimately involve growing a sense of hope, a social inclusion and coping skills. Our alcohol and drug rehab in Lotus Gardens treatment clinic provides safe & secure residence in an up-market halfway-house with full time counsellors that deal directly to recovering patients for alcohol, cocaine, heroin, cannabis, meth related addictions. Lotus Gardens features competitive admission rates as a key private treatment centre, and has one of the best outpatient programmes in the in the addiction recovery industry.