Mofolo North Rehabilitation Centre

Without doubt there is no simple solution to full addiction recovery. The Mofolo North residential addiction rehabilitation & recovery clinics cater to individuals with persistent addiction related problems. Our agents give advice on complete spectrum detox and extended care addiction treatment facilities for affected individuals in Mofolo North (Soweto).


Drug Rehab in Mofolo North

Narcotic dependency is your body’s physiological desire, or addiction, to a drug. There is subsequently basically no difference between addiction and dependency. Over the long-term, this process addiction brings about bodily damages, behavior concerns, & connection to persons who likewise use substances. This service offers a healthy and warm location for people affected by cravings, drug oriented dependency. Our foremost focus as an effective qualified team of substance addiction specialists is to always guide and / or prepare addicts with the capability and methods needed to rise above drug dependence.

More About Drug Dependence

Abusive Drinking in Mofolo North

Recognizing a person has a difficulty with alcohol is considered the first step to getting better, however it’s unquestionably the most difficult realization.

More About Alcoholism

Interventions in Mofolo North

Intervention for alcohol & drugs is carried out whenever the person is reluctant to go into treatment. The intervention is done with a selection of family members and / or close contacts ultimately along with a skilled intervention therapist.

More On Family Intervention

Substance Addiction Rehabilitation in Mofolo North

Searching for a recovery center is often an hard task when it’s the time to find the correct one. Considering that psychological and mental disorders and traumas regularly associated with drug addiction, treatment by mental health doctors is definitely an essential in the course of action.

More About Intervention Solutions

Residential Treatment in Mofolo North

A residential alcohol & drug detox is actually a governed living environment wherein the individual remains inside of a rehab centre during his whole treatment.

More Inpatient

Out Patient Rehabilitation in Mofolo North

All of these treatments include visiting a treatment facility or maybe a medical centre to get more formalised addiction treatment or as needed, access to professional addiction counsellors or psychiatric care. However for the most part the client is recovered enough to be on their own and away from the care centre for expanded time frames.

More About Secondary Care

Halfway House Rehabilitation in Mofolo North

Designed for persons with advanced recovery issues which want more time, the process of recovery can call for extended Programme plans or lengths of stick around. This provides for further in-depth effort on individual problems, psychiatric complications, relapse prevention and additionally clean living competencies.

More About Tertiary Clinics

If you are afflicted with drug / alcohol dependency, you are not on your own. It’s estimated that 1 in 3 people in S.A. are struggling with a substance related dependency disorder. Addiction help strategy identifies the numerous contributing problems which trigger the particular addiction and uses these factors to structure the patients sustained rehabilitation treatment program.

Professional Addiction Counsellors in Mofolo North (Soweto)
The counsellors in Soweto relate to a sustained recovery-based lifestyle for individuals struggling with substance use disorders. Walking into therapy for the first time is quite a daunting experience for most individuals. Yet overtime it becomes more natural as you get to gain insights and start to meet members who give insights & advice. Personal addiction therapy is not suited to everyone suffering with an addiction. The addiction topic could often be a lot more complicated than arriving at counselling group.

Sustained recovery pays attention to the development of a new meaning and rebirth of purpose in one’s daily existence. This is a personal journey as opposed to a specific result, and will entail growing a sense of hope, a social inclusion and sense of self worth. Our alcohol and drug rehab in Mofolo North treatment centre provides secure & safe accommodation in an upmarket house with full time counsellors that cater directly to recovering patients of alcohol, cocaine, crack, opioids, dagga, methamphetamine related dependence disorders. Mofolo North maintains highly competitive rates as a key private treatment centre, and maintains a best in class tertiary programmes in the industry.