Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Monteseel

Relapse Prevention provides specialist treatment support for addicts. Find the tranquillity you want and discover ways to live in recovery, without any alcohol and drug addiction. Our quest is to provide high quality, comprehensive medical therapy to patients experiencing problems with addiction.


Substance Addiction Rehabilitation

Beyond abstinence, addiction recovery will be an continual method for training, improving, and restoration: psychologically, bodily, and rebuilding oneself.

In-Patient Rehabilitation in Monteseel

A residential alcohol & drug detox is a controlled living setting wherein the individual stays inside of a treatment facility during his whole detox.

More About Residential

Secondary Facility Treatment in Monteseel

These types of solutions include going to a rehab facility or even a healthcare facility for more formalized therapy or when asked, admission to healthcare resources or psychological care. But for the most part the individual is recovered to enough of a degree to be away from the clinic for extended intervals.

More About Extended Treatment

Long Term Rehab in Monteseel

An halfway house addiction rehab center is generally supposed to assist people who have not prevailed with many other solutions. The long-term half-way houses make it possible for people to extend their stay inside a structured clean living conditions for much longer time-frames.

More About Tertiary Care

Substance Abuse Interventions in Monteseel

If you have got a family member in denial regarding the seriousness of her or his addiction and how it has effects on the family, e-mail us right now with regard to intervention support. Our team have been engaging in interventions in addition to family support groups for over 12 years. We recognise how devastating and difficult the entire dilemma can feel.

More About Planned Intervention

Alcoholism in Monteseel

Excessive drinking is when the person starts looking for alcoholic drinks obsessively and will continuously uses a substance despite the fact that there are side effects within their day-to-day lives, and this includes difficulties with family, work or even the judicial system. Your doctor can guide you to getting guidance to services in your town for assistance with an alcohol problems.

More About Alcoholism

Drug Rehab in Monteseel

Abusing drugs, commonly known as substance abuse, is actually a patterned use of a substance in which the individual uses the drug in volumes or with techniques which are unhealthy for themselves or others. The specific cause of substance abuse is not possible to understand because there is not only one lead factor. Right before an individual can make a good selection for their drug addiction rehabilitation, she or he should determine what method of treatment solutions the most suitable rehabilitation centres offer you.

More About Drug Dependence

Our Rehab Facilities in Monteseel (Outer West Durban)

Our alcohol and drug rehab in Monteseel treatment centre provides secure and safe residence in an upmarket halfway-house with resident counsellors that cater directly to patients for substances like alcohol & drug related disorders. This clinic is a 24hour support rehab with resident staff who understand what it’s like.

Treatment PrinciplesSolutions Available in MonteseelGetting Started
  • Effective treatment programs address a wide range of necessities of the affected individual, not just her or his drug abuse.
  • Staying in active treatment for an good period of time is vital.
  • An individuals treatment plan and specialists regimen will have to be reviewed continuously and even revised as necessary to ensure that it matches her / his transitioning requirements.
  • Medically aided detox is the initial step of dependency treatment and simply by itself does nothing to alter long-term drug abuse.
  • Proper treatment doesn’t have to be voluntary to obtain results.
  • In depth Assessment
  • Pre Treatment Programme Counselling
  • Treatment Prep
  • Depression Help
  • Continuing Treatment Group Counseling (post treatment)
  • Ongoing Individual Treatment
  • Monteseel Interventions
How to Choose the Right Rehabilitation Clinic
Choosing the right addiction recovery center isn’t as easy as paging through the book and ending up on any center shown arbitrarily under best recovery centers, neither is finding the best addiction recovery facility going to be so simple as searching to get the best rehabilitation service based on price tag.
Substance Addiction Counselling in Monteseel (Outer West Durban)
For all intents & purposes addiction counselling in Outer West Durban relate to a sustained recovery-based lifestyle for individuals struggling with substance use disorders. The services are charged upfront per session and meetings are held every evening depending on availability. Private outpatient counsellors are not always ideal solutions for everyone suffering with an addiction. Individuals with substance use disorders are people and traditional “one size fits all” approachers do not deal with the actual drivers of addiction and thus they do not treat all addiction related issues.

Addiction needs to be handled like a chronic disorder, a professional diagnosis and an effective treatment plan which includes all the physiological and psychological relapse prevention tools. The residential Monteseel treatment centre provides secure and safe residence in home-like environment with full-time staff counsellors that cater directly to recovering patients for substances like alcohol, cocaine, crack, opioids, dagga, methamphetamine related addictions. Monteseel features competitive residency rates as a key private treatment centre, and maintains one of the best outpatient programmes in the recovery market.