Drug addiction is not an easy diagnosis for a doctor or other medical professional to make, but what is common to most addicts is that they have a dependency on drugs that they simply cannot go one day without. In order to function, they need to feed their drug cravings. This very complex affliction then, is something that cannot be undone in a day and for those who are close to an addict, and want to see them get treated, an intervention is just the beginning.

In order to treat the addiction, there are some things that are vital to remember. One is that an addiction is complex and affects both the body and the brain. This means that someone who is addicted will either lose or pick up weight, their skin and hair may change, and in terms of their mind and personality, they may become more standoffish and aggressive.

drug addiction adviceThere is no treatment for addiction that is common to everyone who suffers from it. Unlike getting a dose of penicillin for the flu, treating addiction is a lengthy process that requires support, medical care, and in some cases, mental health care. This kind of treatment must be made readily available to those who are suffering from addiction so that they can always fall back on it, and it needs to be tailored to each individual.

During the time spent in addiction rehabilitation, counselling is absolutely vital since the person suffering from addiction needs to understand the lengths and depth of their behaviour and learn how to correct that behaviour. This tailored treatment plan needs to be assessed regularly to ensure that there is sufficient healing and that the individual in question is really progressing.

Some may argue that there should not be any medications available to someone who is in rehab, but this is not always the right decision to make. In the treatment of withdrawal and during the drug detox process, medications can be administered to help with pain and suffering and to make the journey to being clean easier. Of course, this must be process that takes place under the care and supervision of a doctor, since these medications are only available on prescription and can do more harm than good if not correctly administered.

Ultimately, substance abuse is treatable, but that treatment has to be based on a long term plan that is tailored for each individual suffering from an addiction. Good drug addiction advice is really what will be the difference between getting the help you need and really struggling with the addiction.

Articles below are related to Addiction Treatment

  1. Symptoms Addiction
  2. Help With Addiction
  3. Treating Addiction

Getting drug addiction advice you can depend on is no easy feat, but this does not mean it is impossible. In fact, we have not just the best advice but the best substance abuse rehab facilities to offer those who are dealing with drug addiction and those who are trying to help others deal with it.

First, it is so important to understand that addiction is a serious illness. It is not something that people make up or use as an excuse, as so many people think. This addiction is characterised by an unconscious and conscious need to have something that numbs the mind or that allows the person taking it to escape the world. Our facilities and advice in drug detox and rehabilitation allow these people to deal with what underlies the addiction and thus, remove their reliance on drugs.

It is important to also have behavioural specialists on call who can assist in modifying unhealthy behaviour. This includes not just beating an addiction but learning to live a better live through exercise, nutrition and productive thinking. A good facility, such as ours, allows patients to be treated according to a schedule and a programme so that there is structure to the way they heal and progress.

This includes the knowledge that not everyone benefits from the same treatment. Getting a tailor made treatment programme can make a big difference and ensures that those dealing with addiction know how to deal with their own demons, so to speak. A good programme can also offer medicinal help and counselling so that the person has the chance to heal with help from professionals.

As for drug addiction advice that allows addicts to heal in a space they know and trust, this is something that a good treatment centre can arrange too. The most important thing for anyone suffering from this kind of problem to know is that they are not alone. There are many people who have gone through it before them and as such, they can ask for advice whenever they need it. Everyone’s addiction is different and though there may be some similarities that seem to crossover from person to person, ultimately, everyone who is suffering from addiction and wants to beat it has to take responsibility for their own healing. While addiction may not be their fault and may be something they simply could not avoid, taking responsibility for a positive experience, such as beating addiction, is important.

In overcoming any addiction or substance abuse, be it drugs or alcohol, there are ways of helping yourself.  You need to make the decision to overcome and deal with your drug abuse.  Someone else cannot do that for you.  There are several stages, if you can call them that; that you go through in the process to leading a healthy life; but these vary from person to person, I can only give you advice about what has worked from experience.

The first important thing is that you are thinking about quitting.  Whether this means you have hit rock bottom, or a switch was flipped in your head, you have made the first step in acknowledging your addiction.  For addicts it is typically the fear that prevents them from seeking help, but seeking help is the most important step of all.  For you, it could be a major life event that makes you want to change your life, or it could be that you have finally made a conscious decision to change your ways.

I found that the most valuable part of the recovery process was keeping contact with other recovering addicts.  The early stages of recovery are difficult and getting support from like-minded individuals that have experienced or are experiencing a similar situation is very powerful for your own recovery process.  After this initial process, long term sobriety is more about personal growth and development, and your priorities shift.  This is where the focus of recovery moves to health, fitness, education and nutrition.  The most dangerous part of this is that you become complacent about life and your situation and fail to continually grow and keep yourself on par with your recovery – the process never ends.

Making that first step is never easy and most addicts are restricted by fear.  You are lucky of you have a support system in the form of family or friends to help you; but they cannot do it for you.  You need to want this for yourself and it’s a long road you need to be prepared to fight for each and every day for the rest of your life.  Finding the right help is important, find a treatment facility or counsellor that can guide you in the right direction.

Beating addiction is tough, and whether it is the addiction to drugs or alcohol, no one gets out of an addictive relationship with substances easily, nor do they do it alone. This process is better managed with the help of a professional and this is why there are so many rehab facilities in South Africa.